At Donna’s: Carolyn, Amy E, Nancy, Shannon, Lynda, Amy Z, Nicole, Sherry, Randy, Ben, Nicky, Russell, Rick, Toni, Eric & Mark,
What a day we all had on Saturday at the ACTION Service Day! It was amazing to see each one of you work so hard pouring out so much love in everything you did.
Donna was blessed beyond words. She was overwhelmed by all that was done. She said it was far beyond what she expected (as God often does). She was thrilled that she doesn’t have to be afraid to go into her back yard. More then that, now she can go back there and really enjoy it! Her daughter has spent a lot of time in her sunroom enjoy all the special touches that she loved. The two of them have already made some plans of what they are going to do in the garden. Donna is thrilled to have that as a project they can work on together. I know she also appreciates the new dryer, the new fence, dog bin, freshly painted front fence and furniture. She says a great big “THANK YOU!”
God says in 1 Timothy 6:18: “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life, that is truly life”!
We know WHO is the LIFE and on Saturday you followed His command to do good deeds. Each of you were so generous and willing to share in so many ways. I wish I could list each of the things the everyone of you did. But the list is far too long. You all did so much. The joy is that you all did it so unselfishly. It was so evident you were doing it out of Love for the LORD. I am praying that you sense that that is “truly life”. I was so blessed to work along side you all and most importantly Donna was touched so deeply.
Again, THANK YOU for making yourself available to be used by the LORD!
PS: An extra BIG Thank YOU to Sherry for all her hard work in putting together this and MANY other projects in our community. We appreciate all you had done to make this day possible. Your willingness to Serve our LORD has Blessed us and so many others.
Sherry, we greatly appreciate your servants heart!